n8n 1.0 - Workflow automation for technical people | Product Hunt

We're thrilled to announce n8n version 1, the latest iteration of our workflow automation platform. With this release, n8n steps confidently onto the stage as a production-ready service, honed to meet the demands of our cloud, self-host and enterprise users.

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Embracing Stability and Performance

Our commitment to reliability and performance is stronger than ever. With version 1, we've fine-tuned n8n to power your mission-critical workflows, making it a steadfast companion in your automation journey.

Say Hello to Python

In response to popular demand, n8n now offers Python support. This empowers our users who lean on Python for their automation tasks, adding a new dimension to their capabilities.

Semantic Versioning

To streamline your update process, we've adopted semantic versioning. This ensures you experience predictable, hassle-free updates, keeping you aligned with our latest enhancements and bug fixes.

A Milestone in Our Journey

Version 1 embodies our commitment to making n8n viable in the most challenging environments. We've introduced features like Single Sign-On (SSO) for smooth integration with your existing authentication systems. You can now synchronize workflows across multiple environments and use global variables, log streaming, and advanced execution filters to boost your workflows and simplify your automation processes.

ℹ️ Please note that Version 1 introduces some breaking changes. We've prepared a comprehensive migration guide to ensure a smooth transition for your existing workflows.

As we celebrate this milestone, we extend our sincere gratitude to the vibrant n8n community. Your continual support and insightful feedback have been instrumental in shaping n8n into what it is today.

Embrace the future of automation. Happy automating!

The n8n Team