Whether you work in marketing, sales, or data engineering, you most likely use several apps or services for collecting and storing data from different sources. To boost productivity and reduce errors, you can automate various tasks in each system – from lead capturing in CRMs to e-commerce workflows and data processing pipelines.
However, the challenge is still there: how to synchronize data across different sources so that the information is consistent within all systems?

In this tutorial, you'll learn step-by-step how to auto sync data using the Merge node built by n8n workflow automaton tool. With n8n, data from two systems can be synced in one direction (one-way sync) or in two directions (two-way sync). The use case for this post is synchronizing data between two CRMs (Pipedrive and HubSpot), but the underlying principle can be applied to any other apps.
But first things first…
Table of contents
What is data synchronization?
What are the types of data synchronization?
One-way synchronization
Two-way synchronization
How do I synchronize my data automatically?
Workflow prerequisites
One-way sync workflow: Sync contacts from Pipedrive in HubSpot
1. Get data from the source CRM
2. Get data from the target CRM
3. Merge data from source and target CRMs
4. Update data in the target CRM
Two-way sync workflow: Sync contacts between HubSpot and Pipedrive
1. Get data from both CRMs
2. Merge data from the two CRMs
3. Update data in both CRMs
Wrap Up
What's next?
What is data synchronization?
Data synchronization is a process that ensures your data is up-to-date, relevant, and complete, thus helping you make informed decisions for your business. Syncing data is an ongoing process that keeps databases in 24/7 communication and makes changes between the source and target to ensure they are identical.
So, what is a data synchronization example? Here you go:
Customer data has to be consistent throughout different systems from an internal CRM to a billing and order management system;
Employee personal data must be properly defined in all IT systems, avoiding manual input errors and data inconsistency;
Database administrators, when managing globally distributed applications in different regions, are in need of having data synchronized.
What are the types of data synchronization?
One-way synchronization
In one-way sync (unidirectional sync), information is updated only in one direction. Practically, data are added/updated from a primary location (source) to a secondary location (target) in one direction, but no files data are ever copied back to the primary location.
A one-way sync is useful when information like Contacts or Orders are only ever updated in your source system, or when you back up files. In this case, we say that the source is mirrored to target, as the secondary location is in sync with the primary location.
Two-way synchronization
In a two-way sync (or bidirectional sync), information is updated in both directions. This means that if the information is updated in the first location, then it will be automatically updated in the second location as well – and vice-versa. This is assuming that both systems are actively used, so users can enter data in both systems.
A two-way sync is useful when two different systems are actively used to store information, for example, if one system offers more features that are relevant for the sales team, but the relevant company-wide information is stored in another system. In this case, we say that the two systems are equivalent.
How do I synchronize my data automatically?
Next, we'll put the theory into practice and implement a no-code, one-way and two- way data sync workflows in n8n. To get you started, you’ll need:
Workflow prerequisites
The workflows presented in this post are available on our workflows page. If you want to follow along with the tutorial, you need to have:
- n8n set up. You can either install the desktop app (for Mac or Windows), sign up for a n8n cloud instance, or set up n8n locally
- Pipedrive and HubSpot accounts and credentials
One-way sync workflow: Sync contacts from Pipedrive in HubSpot
Let's consider a common business use case: storing information about customers (such as contact name and email) in two CRMs, for instance, Pipedrive and HubSpot.
This workflow syncs contact information from Pipedrive to HubSpot, so that when the information is updated in Pipedrive, then it's updated in HubSpot as well. The workflow for this use case looks like this:

- The Cron node schedules the workflow to run every minute.\
💡 Schedule or trigger the workflow: Note that for this use case, you can have a workflow with the Pipedrive Trigger node, which triggers the workflow any time information is updated in Pipedrive. But if you need to sync data between apps or services that don't have an n8n Trigger node, you need to use the Cron node as a trigger.
The Pipedrive and Hubspot1 nodes pull in both lists of persons from Pipedrive and contacts from HubSpot.
The Merge node with the option Remove Key Matches identifies the items that uniquely exist in Pipedrive.
The Hubspot2 node takes those unique items and adds them to HubSpot.
Now let's see how to set up each node.
1. Get data from the source CRM
In the Pipedrive node, add your credentials in the Pipedrive API section. Then, configure the following parameters:
- Resource: Person
- Operation: Get All
- Return All: Toggle to True

2. Get data from the target CRM
In the HubSpot node, add your credentials in the HubSpot API section. Then, configure the following parameters:
- Resource: Contact
- Operation: Get All
- Return All: Toggle to True

In HubSpot, we have three contacts, which are also in Pipedrive. We want to add the fourth person from Pipedrive into HubSpot.
3. Merge data from source and target CRMs
Now that the data is all set, it's ready to be merged. For our use case, we want to identify contacts that exist only in Pipedrive and add them to HubSpot.
In a one-way sync workflow, it's important to know clearly from the beginning which system serves as the source, as that would be Input 1 (in our case, Pipedrive). The target system would then be Input 2 (in our case, HubSpot).
The Merge node receives data from Input 1, goes back to Input 2 and executes the node(s) in order, then outputs the merged data from Input 1 and Input 2.
To match data between two systems, the Merge node needs a piece of information that is present in both systems, to serve as a reference. This reference is a key column – a common column between the two tables that contains key values, which uniquely identify rows in the table.
For this reason, the key values must be different in each row. The key column can be, for example, the customer's email address, an SKU, or the order number.

In our case, the key column between Pipedrive and HubSpot is email, so we'll merge data based on this column.
Back to the workflow, in the Merge node, configure the following parameters:
- Mode: Remove Key Matches
This operation keeps data of Input 1 if it doesn't find a match with an item of data from Input 2. - Property Input 1: email[0].value
- Property Input 2: identity-profiles[0].identities[0].value
The source key column is passed in Property Input 1 and the target key column is passed in Property Input 2.\
💡 For Property Input 1 and Property Input 2, you need to enter the property key in dot-notation format (as text, not as an expression).
What is dot-notation?
In n8n, all the data that is passed between nodes is an array of objects. When you execute a node, the returned data is displayed in Table view and JSON view.

Dot notation is a way to access the properties of an object. The dot-notation syntax is object.property
, so the reference is made from outermost to innermost.
In the example above, the object (column name) email contains three properties: label, value, and primary. To reference the email value (email address), we write the dot notation email[0].value
. The [0]
references the first item of the email array.

The merge operation Remove Key Matches returns the data of three contacts.
4. Update data in the target CRM
Once the data is merged, you need to update the information in the target system (HubSpot).
To update contact information in HubSpot, configure the following parameters in the HubSpot node:
- Resource: Contact
- Operation: Create/Update
- Email > Add Expression > Current Node > Output Data > JSON > email > [Item: 0] > value:
- Additional Fields > Add Field > First Name > Add Expression > Current Node > Output Data > JSON > first_name:

Two-way sync workflow: Sync contacts between HubSpot and Pipedrive
In this workflow, the information about Pipedrive persons and HubSpot contacts (their name and email) is updated in both Pipedrive and HubSpot when you make changes in either source.
In a two-way sync workflow in n8n, you essentially have two parallel workflows, each including a Merge node that takes input from the opposite and inline workflow. For our use case, the workflow looks like this:

The first part of the workflow starts with the Pipedrive node, which fetches the data when information about a person is updated in the CRM. The second part of the workflow starts with the HubSpot node, which fetches the data when information about a contact is updated in HubSpot.
- The Cron node schedules the workflow to run every minute.
- The Pipedrive and Hubspot nodes pull in both lists of persons from Pipedrive and contacts from HubSpot.
- The Merge1 and Merge2 nodes with the option Remove Key Matches identify the items that uniquely exist in HubSpot and Pipedrive, respectively.
- The Update Pipedrive and Update HubSpot nodes take those unique items and add them in Pipedrive and HubSpot, respectively.
Now let's see how to set up each node.
1. Get data from both CRMs
The setup of the Pipedrive and HubSpot nodes is the same as in the one-way sync workflow above.
In the Pipedrive node, configure the following parameters:
- Resource: Person
- Operation: Get All
- Return All: Toggle to True
In the HubSpot node, configure the following parameters:
- Resource: Contact
- Operation: Get All
- Return All: Toggle to True
2. Merge data from the two CRMs
To merge data from Pipedrive and HubSpot, you need to use two Merge nodes, one for each system.
The first Merge1 node is connected to Pipedrive, so it takes Input 1 from HubSpot and Input 2 from Pipedrive. In the Merge1 node, set the following parameters:
- Mode: Remove Key Matches
- Property Input 1: identity-profiles[0].identities[0].value
- Property Input 2: email[0].value
The second Merge2 node is connected to HubSpot, so it takes Input 1 from Pipedrive and Input 2 from HubSpot. In the Merge2 node, set the following parameters:
- Mode: Remove Key Matches
- Property Input 1: email[0].value
- Property Input 2: identity-profiles[0].identities[0].value

3. Update data in both CRMs
Once the data is merged, you need to update the information in both systems.
To update person information in Pipedrive, configure the following parameters in the Pipedrive node:
- Resource: Person
- Operation: Create
- Name > Add Expression:
- Additional Fields > Email > Add item > Add Expression:
To update contact information in HubSpot, configure the following parameters in the HubSpot node:
- Resource: Contact
- Operation: Create/Update
- Email > Add Expression:
- Additional Fields > Add Field > First Name > Add Expression:

Now both Pipedrive and HubSpot contain the latest, up-to-date information about contacts.
Wrap Up
In this tutorial, you've learned how to synchronize data between two CRMs using n8n workflow automation tool. However, you can further adapt these data sync workflows for different apps and services.
For example, you can sync data between different databases like Postgres or MongoDB, sales data between Salesforce and Shopify, or marketing data between Google BigQuery and MailChimp.
To get you started faster, n8n’s free trials are available!
What's next?
If you’d like to take a look at the ready-to-go data sync use cases, read more on:
- how to import data from Google Sheets into Salesforce as an alternative for the Salesforce Import Wizard,
- how to import CSV into MySQL, a straightforward way to solve integration issues between CSV files and popular databases such as MySQL,
- how to scrape data automatically with n8n, if your data scraping target is not as easy as you think.
Discover more workflow ideas on the workflows page and in the community forum!